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Thursday, January 24, 2013


Over the holidays we found out that I am pregnant once again! My children will be 1 year and about 7 days apart. Although this was not planned we are very excited and hope for another healthy pregnancy. I will be delivering at home with a midwife, the same as with my first daughter. If anyone has questions on home birth please feel free to ask!

I just took Brealyn to the doctor for the first time because she has been pulling on her ears. They told me nothing is wrong with her, so I am quite confused on why she is tugging at them. I am hoping it is from teething an when her mouth stops hurting her ears will stop bothering her. I did get some pretty horrified looks though, because I have chosen not to vaccinate my children. I am curious to hear other thoughts on this matter. I have chosen this for my children because there have been small studies showing that vaccines can cause autism in children/babies. Also the side effects of most vaccines are worse than the illness they are supposed to be preventing. I would be absolutely heart broken if I found out vaccines had contributed in my children being autistic or some other type of problem they would have for the rest of their lives. I have been blessed with one very healthy and smart little girl (now 5 months) and I will do everything in my power to keep her that way.

I am planning on homeschooling my kids, so no worries with the vaccines an school :) if you have any questions or comments on this please feel free to comment. I would love to hear other views. Please keep it civil though. Thanks :)

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