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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saving Money

I love saving money in any way that I can, so I have started making my own baby wipes! I have also tried cloth diapers, but they are just not for me. I know there are many brave moms who use them and have great luck, but we just didn't. The baby wipes, on the other hand, are amazing! They are so much softer then regular wipes and they are much easier on Brealyns sensitive skin (her skin breaks out from everything including baby lotion).
Another money saver I am going to try is making laundry detergent. I have found a few posts on pinterest (follow me her detergents that work well on cloth diapers and easy ways to make your own powder or liquid detergent. I can't wait to make these and test them out. Let me know if you have any great recipes for things that are easy to make and save lots of money! I am always on the look out for something new to try :)

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